Brand history

Development process


In 1982, the founder of the company entered the manufacturing industry of sintered building materials products. Starting from learning, summarizing and developing the production process and technology update of sintered building materials products, the company gradually developed and grew.


From 1990 to 2012, it has developed into a group company with 7 new sintered building materials products and 2 mining sand control companies.


In 2013, with years of experience in the production of sintering products and the use of mining equipment, the company leapfrogging into the building materials and mining equipment manufacturing industry, and Guangxi Liuhang Wall Materials Industry Co., Ltd. was established;

2014-so far

The company's mechanical equipment products continue to absorb the advanced technology of the industry, collect the reasonable suggestions of users, introduce and absorb the advantages of foreign technology, continuously optimize the performance of brick and tile building materials equipment, mining equipment, and expand the performance of mechanical equipment. At present, it has new sintered building materials equipment, mining machinery equipment, solid waste treatment equipment, smelting equipment and other diversified products; after years of ups and downs, guangxi Liuhang Company has been listed as one of the important new wall material equipment and mining equipment manufacturing demonstration enterprises in South China;